National FAVS Congress 2025 - Harper & Keele!


The Biggest Event of the FAVS Calendar!


The National FAVS Congress was first initiated in February 2012 at Cambridge University, as a weekend dedicated to lectures and practicals; bringing together enthusiastic future farm vets with industry experts and leading vets, not to mention it is one fantastic social.

Since then, FAVS congress has been held at different universities up and down the country, including Nottingham, Bristol, Edinburgh and Glasgow University. This year, National FAVS congress is being held at HARPER & KEELE VET SCHOOL!


Make sure to keep an eye on this page for further updates about the day, to include: 

  • Ticket Release Dates - coming soon 
  • Ticket Prices - coming soon 
  • Congress Schedule 
  • Talks & Practical Sessions 

Keep up to date with congress announcements on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/farmavs, congress instagram: https://instagram.com/favscongress2024?igshid=YTQwZjQ0NmI0OA== AND NFAVS instagram @nationalfavs


National FAVS Team