Nottingham September Cohort

Welcome to the September Nottingham Farm Animal Society!


We are a part of

the wider VetSoc

(September) with

the main aim of

inspiring vet

students to take

an interest in

Farm Veterinary.

We are

passionate about

helping the next

generation of

farm vets here at

Nottingham and

want to


people from all

walks of life to

give farm work a


Membership to


VetSoc costs £22 for 1 year or £80 for all 5 years.

Being a member of VetSoc means that you are automatically able to access all of

our FAVS resources but also the other subsocs: NSAVA and NEVS!

Every year we help the wider VetSoc put on exciting events, from socials to talks and

practicals as well as running a lot of our own too!

This year we are as busy as ever with lots of talks, trips and practicals planned!

Get involved and join us at:

Our Practicals:

- Foot trimming masterclass in our dissection lab on cadaver legs

- Lameness risk assessment and mobility work at the University Centre for

Dairy Science innovation Farm

- A walk and talk to a farm animal rescue, to learn about the special needs of

non-commercial farm animals

- Learn how to suture specific farm animal suture patterns including horizontal

mattress and Utrecht etc (we are hoping to arrange cadavers for this too!)

- Practice your animal handling with our team ahead of your DOPS

assessments or just as a recap before going on AHEMS/CEMS

Our talks:

- Johnes Disease- how worried should we be?

- pain management in youngstock

- sustainability in farm animal practice

- the importance of mental health in farm work

- revolutionising health and welfare with computer vision

- working as a farm vet in New Zealand

We have lots more planned (and awaiting confirmation), follow our Instagram

@nottsfavs for more updates on potential talks such as:

- a day in the life as a poultry vet

- farm animal nutrition 101

- lamings, calvings and c-sections, what do I do?

- Integrated parasite management and the role of dung beetles

- Is that a pig on the list?

And maybe even a tour of a cheese factory!!

We look forward to meeting you this year!

If you have any questions, please contact us nottsfavs@gmail.com or message us on

Instagram @nottsfavs and one of our committee will get back to you as soon as we


Meet our committee:

FAVS Co-ordinator

Hazel Jenkins: svyhj2@nottingham.ac.uk

Fun Fact: I have over 30 cow decorations in my uni house, I am a bit cow crazy

Favourite thing about Farm: I love being outdoors and working with farmers to provide the

best care to their animals

FAVS Financial Officer

Jessica Crichard: svyjc6@nottingham.ac.uk

Fun Fact: Once won title of best PIMP, has 4 giant fan shrimp

Favourite thing about farm:  it’s more of a lifestyle than a job, I love being able to go out to

farms and the general sense of community